

It’s all about buying your unwanted vinyl records. I have been buying vinyl for over 45 years, initially to listen to myself, but about 15 years ago, I started buying unwanted vinyl record collections. To begin with, I would buy small collections featuring rock, punk and indie artists, but now I get asked to value vinyl record collections of all sizes, but I still concentrate on rock, metal, punk and indie artists.

Although I run a business, I’m pretty selective about what I buy, and, more importantly, I want to buy stuff that I know about. Ask me about dance, hip hop or classical, and nicely, I have no idea. Ask me about punk, indie, metal or rock from the 1960’s to the present, then I’m on familiar territory.

So, why would you sell some or all of your vinyl collection to me? Well, firstly, I’m an enthusiast and I love talking about punk, indie and rock music, so if nothing else, we can talk about that. Secondly, I’m happy to talk about values and if it’s not right for you, or for me, then at least you have an idea of what it’s worth. Thirdly, if you have a real rarity which is fabulously valuable, I’ll not only tell you, but I’ll tell you how to get the best price, if you decide to sell it. Finally, if you want to sell and I want to buy, I’ll make a quick an immediate cash offer.

To give you an idea of the sorts of people that I have bought collections from, here are some examples. I have bought collections from people who have simply no room left, or who are moving home. I’ve bought from students who need to raise cash, from people who have inherited a collection, from people who have the unpleasant and sad task of clearing out a relative’s home. I have bought from retiring DJ’s (if there is such a thing!), from record stores closing down, and in the most extreme circumstances, from people who are ditching their vinyl and going digital!!

The point is, it does not matter why you are thinking of selling your vinyl, if you want a fair, no pressure valuation, call me now on 07468 58 43 43 or get in touch with me at buymyrecordcollection@gmail.com